Wednesday, November 7, 2012

That's Why My Mommy Blogs!

It's that time of the week again! Mama Kat's Practically World Famous Vlogging Workshop! I've been practicing my editing skills, you'll be able to tell. I need a lot of practice! Anyway, watch and enjoy!

Your turn! Why did you start?


  1. Those are all great reasons to blog! Some of my reasons are similar. ;) I'm still working on my video editing skills, my effort to make my vlog under 3 minutes, I left out something...

    Here's my vlog! Beginnings

  2. I started blogging because my friends made me. Then I fell in love with it.

  3. You and I are much on the same page... blogging is free and therapy costs too much money.

    1. Absolutely! Plus, no one interrupts me when I'm blogging! :)

  4. Cute! Yep. Mine started as a vent/rant too. This vlogging challenge is really pushing us! Keep up the good work! And your son is adorable :)

    1. Thanks! Your rants are so darn funny, though! I wish I could get my humor out in writing like you do. So great! I can't wait to go watch your vlog. The Boy loved his part!! :)

  5. I am right there with you! 3 kids in less than 4 years. My blog is my little corner of the internet to talk about all of the things I can't share with my husband, too!

    1. It's so good for us to have this outlet! Your kids are adorable!

  6. I love how we can all connect with people that we don't even know through blogging.

    1. Me too. It makes such a difference in so many lives! Thanks for visiting.

  7. Your reasons for blogging are perfect. I started blogging as a way for our distant family to see what we were up to. But when no family visited, then it sort of mutated into the place for my venting and thoughts. My "Online" diary.

    1. Doesn't that figure?! I've been doing this for two years and my family has only started reading it since we moved overseas! I didn't live that close to them in the first place!
      Thanks for being such a devoted reader and comment-er (sp?!) !!

    2. We didn't read the blogs cause I couldn't figure out how!! Now its fun to ready them. Keeps me updated on things you do.

  8. I think that's the way most of us started - to connect and reach out to others in the same situation. Your MC is adorable! Happy Vlogging!

  9. I didn't even know u had a blog until relatively recently! Seems just like a journal to me...except u let strangers read it!


Go on, tell me what you think!