Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Top 3 Blogging Pet Peeves

It's another vlogging link-up over at Mama Kat's place! See what I have to say right here!

See it on YouTube

What are your top pet peeves?


  1. Great list, I totally agree! :) I have a shit ton of pet peeves lol. <3

  2. I HATE capcha (heck, I don't even know if I spelled that right that is how much I hate them) and half the time, I can't even see the letters I am suppose to put in there. It's maddening. Make them go away!!!!

    1. Totally agree. They should go away...except I learned they do some good somehow, but I still hate it!

  3. Captcha drives me crazy as well. When I first started blogging I thought that was a way to control spam commenting on my blog. Now I realize that a Moderator can control what publishes.

    I used to have country music on auto play on my blog. I love country music, but after a few comments from readers that I should get rid of it, (I guess not everyone likes Carrie Underwood), then I deleted it.

    1. I've never had a spam problem with blogger. Wordpress sees a ton, though. I don't love country music, but I do love Carrie Underwood. That said, well done for listening to your readers! BTW, since it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, I want you to know that I'm so grateful for your frequent visits and thoughtful comments! :)

  4. I've had good luck with Akismet for blocking spam.

  5. Captcha is evil especially when on a smartphone. Ugh.

  6. Amen on every one of these. There is nothing good to say about any of them. I don't understand why people still do this when bloggers write post after post saying how much we hate them. I try to tell myself that they are beginners and making mistakes because they don't know any better. Unfortunately, that's not always the truth.

    Sure, it's their blog and they can do what they want with it. But it's just fair warning for them to know it means no one will want to visit.

    Nice vlog. Happy Sharefest.


Go on, tell me what you think!